Workshop: Light sheet fluorescence microscopy

Date: Monday 25th of November
Venue: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
Organisers: Dr Emmanuel G. Reynaud (UCD), Dr Heiko Dussmann (RCSI), Dr Chris Power (Zeiss)

Light sheet microscopy is an emerging technology that enables long term imaging of large biological specimen with minimal photo damage. It opens new avenues to study cell biological and developmental processes with unprecedented resolution in space and time and facilitates systems biology approaches by quantitative imaging of entire living systems. The life science research community is eager to use light sheet microscopy inspired by the many spectacular proof of principle papers, but is less aware of the technological and computational challenges associated with the light sheet microscopy paradigm.

Schedule: Monday 25th of November
Morning (9-12 am): Open to all

Introduction: Dr Emmanuel G. Reynaud (UCD), Dr Heiko Dussmann (RCSI)

  • Dr Bill Chaudhry, Newcastle University:Introduction to Light Sheet Microscopy
  • Dr Chris Power, Carl Zeiss UK: Zeiss Light Sheet Z-1
  • Ellen Baker, Hamamatsu: “Cameras fro Light Sheet Microscopy”
  • Dr Emmanuel G. Reynaud, University College Dublin: Challenges in Light Sheet Microscopy

Lunch-time:  3 quick introductions to the Zeiss Lightsheet Z-1

Afternoon (1pm- 5pm): three groups of 5 persons.

  • Session 1: Sample preparation, Dr Emmanuel G. Reynaud
  • Session 2: Light Sheet Z.1, Dr Chris Power and Dr Heiko Dussmann
  • Session 3: How to build a light sheet microscope, Dr Bill Chaudhry
  • Last session: Data management, Dr Chris Power and Dr Emmanuel G. Reynaud

Evening (5pm- 7pm): Discussion and Q&A

Send application requests to with a short description of your research/needs for 3D microscopy.

A small fee (20€) will apply to cover room rental and consumables. A 50% discount will apply for MSI and RMS members.

Further training options:
Demonstrations: Besides the workshop, there will be demo time slots available during the week after the 25th of November, if you are interested please contact Dr Chris Power (via email and include a brief description of your potential own sample you want to image.

Training sessions: We will run two additional training sessions depending on numbers and requests.
Date: 21st of November 1.30 pm-5 pm

  • Session: Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering (10 persons max.)
  • Dr Malte Wachsmuth, EMBL: “Observing single molecules with a light-sheet microscopeTalk free for all, more details here

Date: 2nd of December 1.30 pm-5 pm

  • Session: Extra class


Hotels in close proximity: St. Stephen’s Green Hotel, Travelodge and Albany House
We might be able to arrange for corporate rates, please contact us for more information.

Low-Budget: Avalon House is a hostel just down the road from the conference venue. Rooms range from single bedrooms to large dorms. Prices start from 12 EUR; if it happens to be your birthday, you might get a bed for free!


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