A symposium entitled ‘Improving Cancer Patient Care: Trade-Offs Between Efficacy and Toxicity’ based on work performed within the RCSI led AngioTox initiative (www.angiotox.com) has been selected by the European Commission for presentation at the prestigious AAAS Annual meeting to be held Feb 11-15 2016 in Washington DC. The recently concluded AngioTox project led by Dr Annette Byrne (Snr. Lecturer, RCSI Dept of Physiology and Medical Physics) and supported by the European Commission Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways program, focused on the analysis of side-effects associated with the clinically approved ‘angiogenesis inhibitor’ class of cancer therapeutics, which function by inhibiting tumor blood vessel growth. Data generated within the project has provided evidence for a novel medical imaging approach for the early identification of patients at risk from cardiovascular side-effects following treatment with angiogenesis inhibitors. These data have also been presented at The New York Academy of Sciences Angiogenesis 2014 conference and the European Institute for Molecular Imaging 2014 Annual Meeting. During the AAAS conference Angiotox collaborators from the University of Pennsylvania (Dr Bonnie Ky) and VU Medical Centre Amsterdam (Dr Maria Rovithi) will also discuss new data, which will aid in the early detection of side-effects in cancer patients treated with angiogenesis inhibitors. AngioTox research partners include University College Dublin, VU Medical Centre Amsterdam, and industry partners Oncomark Ltd, Pathology Experts, Bayer Technology Services, F.Hoffman La Roche & Genentech