SPGS Awardees 2024
Congratulations to our SPGS awardees who received their certificates of recognition at the new scholar induction last week. There was a substantial increase in the number of applications this year since the awards were launched in 2023. This year’s recipients were:
John Connolly – SPGS Research Communication (Scientific) Award
Jessica Ryan – SPGS Research Communication (Clinical) Award – jointly shared
William Duggan – SPGS Research Communication (Clinical) Award – jointly shared
Eunice Phillip – SPGS Research Communication (Public) Award
Daniel Kane – SPGS Research Output Impact Award
The above photo shows William, Eunice and Daniel with their awards at the post-induction ceremony. John and Jessica were unable to attend due to prior commitments and we look forward to them receiving their framed certificates.

Congrats to William Duggan has since completed his MD-PhD programme from the Centre for Systems Medicine.