Functional expression of the ATP-gated P2X7 receptor in human iPSC-derived astrocytes.

Kesavan J, Watters O, de Diego-Garcia L, Méndez AM, Alves M, Dinkel K, Hamacher M, Prehn JHM, Henshall DC, Engel T.Purinergic Signal. 2024 Jun;20(3):303-309. doi: 10.1007/s11302-023-09957-8. Epub 2023 Jul 15.PMID: 37453017 

Integrative network analysis of miRNA-mRNA expression profiles during epileptogenesis in rats reveals therapeutic targets after emergence of first spontaneous seizure Khemka N, Morris G, Kazemzadeh L, Costard LS, Neubert V, Bauer S, Rosenow F, Venø MT, Kjems J, Henshall DC, Prehn JHM, Connolly NMC.Sci Rep. 2024 Jul 3;14(1):15313. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-66117-7 PMID: 38961125

ALS-linked C9orf72 dipeptide repeats inhibit starvation-induced autophagy through modulating BCL2-BECN1 interaction.

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Opposing effects of the purinergic P2X7 receptor on seizures in neurons and microglia in male mice.

Alves M, Gil B, Villegas-Salmerón J, Salari V, Martins-Ferreira R, Arribas Blázquez M, Menéndez Méndez A, Da Rosa Gerbatin R, Smith J, de Diego-Garcia L, Conte G, Sierra-Marquez J, Merino Serrais P, Mitra M, Fernandez Martin A, Wang Y, Kesavan J, Melia C, Parras A, Beamer E, Zimmer B, Heiland M, Cavanagh B, Parcianello Cipolat R, Morgan J, Teng X, Prehn JHM, Fabene PF, Bertini G, Artalejo AR, Ballestar E, Nicke A, Olivos-Oré LA, Connolly NMC, Henshall DC, Engel T.Brain Behav Immun. 2024 Aug;120:121-140. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.05.023. Epub 2024 May 20.PMID: 38777288 

Spatial transcriptomic analysis reveals local effects of intratumoral fusobacterial infection on DNA damage and immune signaling in rectal cancer.

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Actin-nucleation promoting factor N-WASP influences alpha-synuclein condensates and pathology.

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Meta-analysis of SATB2 immunohistochemical expression in colorectal cancer versus primary ovarian mucinous neoplasms.

Maguire B, Duggan WP, Prehn JHM, Burke JP.Ann Diagn Pathol. 2024 Aug;71:152302. doi: 10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2024.152302. Epub 2024 Apr 16.PMID: 38642469

Identification of unique rectal cancer-specific subtypes.

Kisakol B, Matveeva A, Salvucci M, Kel A, McDonough E, Ginty F, Longley DB, Prehn JHM.Br J Cancer. 2024 May;130(11):1809-1818. doi: 10.1038/s41416-024-02656-0. Epub 2024 Mar 26.PMID: 38532103

Unlocking the secrets: exploring the influence of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and microbiome on cancer development.

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Spatial Effects of Infiltrating T cells on Neighbouring Cancer Cells and Prognosis in Stage III CRC patients.

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Direct neuronal reprogramming of NDUFS4 patient cells identifies the unfolded protein response as a novel general reprogramming hurdle.

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Performance of TMRM and Mitotrackers in mitochondrial morphofunctional analysis of primary human skin fibroblasts.

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Complexation of histone deacetylase inhibitor belinostat to Cu(II) prevents premature metabolic inactivation in vitro and demonstrates potent anti-cancer activity in vitro and ex vivo in colon cancer.

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